Sunday, April 27, 2008

And the Award Goes To ...

I know, I know - no story up yet. It's my mom's fault. :D I had a great day today, partly due to her stopping by and visiting for a bit, as well as teaching me some Photoshop madness. So story tomorrow.

But! I have to give an award! The first ever Fred and Bessie Moo to You! award handed out on this site! Katie, at Overflowing Brain, is marking her first year anniversary of blogging today! Instead of giving her the blogiversary award, I'm giving her a special award from the Bovines, because I know they'd want me to. Even though they're still not home *sniff* And because this award serves double duty for her 5 month mark after brain surgery. Way cool. So make room on your trophy shelf, Katie! The cows have an award just for YOU!

Moo to You!


1 comment:

Overflowing Brain said...

Thanks so much! I'll have it properly displayed later today.

I'm so excited!!!!